Monday, March 26, 2007

Pastor Pascual baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and a Holy Spirit.
Pastor Pascual bautizando en el nombre del Pader, del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo

All to the waters. Todos a las aguas

Kike getting baptized. El bautizmo de Kike

Baptized and happy. Bautisados y felizesª

Sintia one of the funniest sister in Christ in the church. Sintia hermana
mas graciosa de toda la iglesia. Santa, a sweet sister from Haiti. Santa - hermana chula de Haiti
Kike and Manuel, our brother from Spain, married with Discaury a beautiful Dominican sister. Kike y Manuel, nuestro hermano de España, esta casado con Siscaury,
una hermana Dominicana linda.

One brother from Haiti praying. Un hermano de Haiti orando

Niños de la iglesia, Kids in the church

On the way back. En el regreso

Almost all cars and public transport where i live have this sighn " Bavaro para Cristo", qhich means Bavaro for Christ. Casi todos los carros y transporte donde vivo yo tienen este frase "Bavaro para Cristo"
Our car got broken on the middle of the way back. Nuestro carro se rompio en el medio del camino a casa
But all our brothers were happy to help out to make it work. Pero todos nuestros hermanos estaban feliz de ayudar a poner el carro en marcha.

Monday, March 05, 2007