Thursday, September 28, 2006

sentada sobre la maleta

Pues me queda unas horas antes de que salgo de mi casa para empesar mi aventura, mi gira por el mundo. Estoy un poco cansada de andar por todos lados areglando las cosas, y sabiendo que este noche no voy a dormir por que voy estar en el bus hacia Finlandia. Gracias a Dios alla tengo lugar para dormir. Una hermana de la Republica Domenicana, se llama Lumi, me va a recibir en su casita. Y mi amigo Everaldo manana se va a Brasil con su famila, lo bueno que puedo verle manana antes de que se vaya.
Bueno que mas, me siento que estoy dejando mi tirra para un rato largo, solo Dios sabe para cuanto. Pero bueno 1 mes, 4 o media ano todo esta en las manos del Senor.
Hasta la proxima e-net parada, nos vemos, chau

Monday, September 25, 2006

Be in the light, be a light
Vocal- Sean Cimino
Preaching the Good News
Pasor Jack Hibbs.
God used him 10 years ago to
bring me to Himself.
People at the concert
Sir Adam Taylor, haha
At the concert
My new dear friend Adam from "Fairchild" band
My dearest mexican friend Diana
Mi quierida amiga Diana

Hard Rock and Easy Way to Heaven - Just believe

First I was thinking that I will share here about every single day I’ve spent with Chino Hills team, but… I was coming back home so late and so tired so I hardly could get to the shower and to my bad. And right now when the team is left I think that I just do a summary of what God has been doing all this past week.So, we went to old city Volhov, which is 2 hours bus drive from St.Petersburg. In the bus I’ve got a new buddy, bass guitar player Adam. El defenetivamente tenia pinta de latino. I said he looked latino to me, and you know that Paulina is always where are latino, haha. So, it was grate chance to get to know this brother and to see a guy who love the Lord with all his life, and really handsome by the way. Happy for you Stephanie (Adam’s wife), good choice. We tried to speak a little bit of spanish with Adam, because he has some mexican roots. The classical phrase was "obtienes naranja?"—"what?" He wanted to ask if I have an orange. Any way. I just want to say that I found a grate friend and I’ll miss him more then any other team member. May God bless his heart.In Volhov we’ve been received by local evangelical church where we organized a concert with some youth program. Before the concert started we just went to the streets of the city inviting people and talking to them about the Lord. Me and Robert we’ve talked to one old man Iliya who was very open to talk. Robert explained him the way of salvation and we’ve prayed with him so that Iliya can receive Jesus into his life. I don’t know if this old man really understood this massage and what he did by saying this prayer, God knows, but he was grateful that we cared enough just to come down and to talk to him.
Thirthday, Friday and Saturday we had Christian rock concerts. During the day we’ve been passing around free invitations on the streets, so up to thousand lifes been really touched by God on this 3 days. The music was really good and very professional. Honestly Rock is not my stile of mucis, but I’ve learn to appreciate it as well, though I believe that it’s not the only music we can reach out people by.
Last day was awesome, grate conversation. All those young people never expected to think or talk about life and it’s meaning at the dark rock club. So it like Jesus who always been around sinners, eat and spent time with them, though never participated in their sin. But being with them He could touch their lifes and minister to them. So we as christians shouldn’t apart ourselves from the world, but be light in this world.
Another news. I’ve got european visa and already this thirthday I’m going to Finland and on 30th of September I fly to Ramstein, Germany. I’m planning to stay there about one month or so and while I’ll be there I will try my best to make a Mexican visa, if God’s will or any other door. I just want to be flexible and sensitive to His guiding me.

Monday, September 18, 2006

1st day with Chino Hills missionary team

It was really nice day of getting to know each others, team and translators. I have 3 other translators with me and group made of 6, one of them is Ukrainian adopted girl.
The day started with devotion all the topic of which of about being united, being one team and all this kinda stuff.
First I wasn’t that much impressed with a group of americans I’ve got, but then I discovered that they are cool. Especially Robert, the leader of our small group. He is just so funny and on fire to speak about Jesus. As soon as we’ve got to the square we’ve doing an outreach, he started the conversation right the way, and God gave us a really open guy (Andrey), who spoke english and I was just sitting beside and quietly praying. We even came to the point if Andrey wants to receive Jesus, but it was too serious decision to make it right the way. But he allowed us to pray for him and hope he’ll come to the concert the american team is organizing.
Beside that we've been in the parkoutside the city when all our team about 40 people mad a huge cercule and we prayed for Russia, it's people. The sunshined and all the picture was just beautiful.
Tomorrow we are going to Volhov city where we going to spend whole day wisiting one orphanage there and doing some evangelism there.
I’m looking forward for more divine appointments.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Buscando el Reino de Dios primero...

Pues el ultimo tiempo estaba pensando y orando mucho de lo que Dioa quiere y de donde me voy. El Senor me mostro que tiene todo el control y que no va pasar nada si El no lo va a dejar a pasar. Toda la tierra pertenece a Dios y El puede utilisar me en cualquier lado. Yo tenia que entregar todos mis planes, suenos y anelos a El completamente para ver Su mano y para que me da lo que El quiere. El 18 de septiembre veremos si me van a dar la visa Finlandia y para que tiempo, entonces voy a ver si voy a poder ir a alemania y visitar Gabriel y descansar alla y realisar mas viajs con el a los paises sercanos.
Otro que yo no estaba segura si yo tengo que inentar de conseguir la visa Mexicana o buscar el camino a Costa Rica por que no me hace falta la visa. Costa Rica me atraye mucho mas, pero parece que la puerta no esta abirta ahorita mismo, hasta Jaime Siman, el director del ministerio "Palabra para America Latina" no conose pastores de alla. Ya dije a mi abuelo y la mama de Mexico, y pues Dios dijo en Su Palabra de que si mis caminos le agrada El va " a dar paz enter mis enemigos" y yo. Y si claro mi mama no durmio la primera noche, pero luego empeso a pensar de que es posible. Vamos a ver que Dios va hacer de todo eso.
La semana que viene voy a servir con un grupo misionero de Chino Hills California. Antes de servir a todas las naciones hay que servir un poco a mi propia. Asi vamos a ir a orfanatorios, organisar unos conciertos y prgramas para los jovenes.
Y manana el sabado vamos a picnic, mi Dianita va a bautisarse. Lindo. Solo frrrrrrrrio. Hoy dia hacia +8 grado. Pobrecita, que paso de fe hace esta nina. Y luego vamos a la casa de otra hermana mexicana Areli para nuestro reunion latino. Eso me da mucho alegria por que no solo que quien reuno la gente en mi casa.
Bueno, chao hasta la otra vez

Friday, September 01, 2006

Descansoooooooooo.....lo nesesito un monton. Cielo azul, arena suave, agua cristal, bailes latinos, deportes extremos......

Dios bendiga me, Te nesesito, ya me canse de trabajo, de estos museos, te turistas de San Petersburgo, de Rusia.

Ya quiero ir me de aca......