Friday, November 03, 2006

Soldado herido, Injured solder

Otra vez fue para la comida con los soldados heridos en la guerra de Irak. A mi lado estaba sentado un chico joven de 21 ano, que tiene todo el cuerpo herido. Pero en realidad su corazon aun mas herido que su cuerpo. Su amigo murio a su lado. Yo senti tantas ganas de compartir el amor de Dios con el, y la guiansa del Espiritu fue tan furte hasta que me dolio seguir callada.
Luego le hable. Le dije es un milagro de Dios que el esta vivo que Dios tiene propositos para el, que le ama mucho. El chico me estaba escuchando muuuuy atento, y mientras que segi hablando, su ojos se llenaban con las lagimas, por que el Espiritu de Dios le tocaba muy profundo. Este dia cumplio solo dos semanas desde que regrese de Irak. No se por donde el anda ahorita, pero se que fui un encunrto divino y que Dos me utiliso.
Once again i went to the dinner with an injured troops who came fro Iraq. At the table beside me there was a guy who was 21 yo who was ijured all over. In reality his heart was injured even more then his body. His friend died on his eyes. I felt so bad like sharing with him about God's love and how God was leading me to do, to the point it hurted id i would kept silant. Finnaly i talked to him. I saod that is God's mirical that he is a life and that God has His purposes for him and that God loves him very much. The guy was listerning very attentivly and while i was talking, his eyes were fullfilling with tears, because Holy Spirit was touching him in a very deep way. It was just two weeks since he came back from Iraq. I don't knw where he is now, but i know that it was Devine appointment and that God used me.

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